OMG! Here it is, Chanel Couture for Spring! This has added up to 6 shows each year. We knew that Lagerfeld was a miracleworker, but this is a more than succeeded mission impossible, YET another... Lagerfeld said it was the first time in his whole career he didn't put ONE golden button in the show. Gold is out, he decided prominently, silver is in. Hard to keep track of course, but that's what we, as haute couture-lovers, like so much about fashion. It never stands still, even for the slightest while.
The show was a mix of romanticism (with its heart-shaped cartoonish hair) and space age. (cf. the silver gloves and neckpieces) 'Futurism!', suggested someone backstage, but Karl didn't agree. 'I don't like the idea of thinking to much straight ahead, fashion is always now', he said self-assured. We saw cocoony bubbles and liquid togas and in many places the jewelry seemed to melt into the structure, inseperable from the lines of these fine pieces of work. As I already said, another King Lagerfeld Miracle. Now we can sit back, all contented and eager for the next show...
(clicking on the picture will automatically open a bigger screen, where you can admire the toppers of this show's collection more accurately)